Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Gateway Flag Football Rules

(updated 9-24-18)

·       One ball will be used for each game. The referee will have a game ball and that ball will be used by both teams. Teams are not allowed to swap balls in and out after every change of possession. 
·       All players, coaches and parents are expected to read and sign our official code of conduct. 

·       Soccer cleats are allowed, no metal. Inspections will be made prior to the start of each game and can be made at any time during a game.
·       Every player must wear a protective mouthpiece.
·       Flag belts must be worn during games. NO EXCEPTIONS! Flags must be worn on each side of the players’ hips in line with the hip joint.
·       Shirts must be tucked in at all times during the game.   

·       The age divisions are: 5-6, 7-8, 9-11 and 12-14
·       Games begin promptly at 6:30 PM and 7:45 PM.  
·       Games will be 5 on 5 unless it is agreed to be 4 on 4 by both coaches. 
·       Teams are required to report to their assigned field of play 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. 
·       Every child must play in each half of the game.
·       Coaches must get all kids involved in offensive and defensive plays.

·       Team captains and Head Coaches must meet the referees at midfield prior to the start of the game
·       A coin toss determines first possession.
·       The winner of the coin toss may choose to go on offense or defense.
·       The loser of the coin toss may choose the end of the field they wish to defend.
·       The team that starts the game on defense, will start the second half on offense and vice versa.
·       The offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 5-yard line and has three (3) plays to cross the first down marker at midfield.
·       Upon successful conversion of a first down, the offensive team has three (3) plays to score a touchdown.
·       If the offensive team fails to cross midfield or fails to score after converting a first down, possession of the ball changes and the opposing team starts from its 5- yard line.
·       All possession changes, except interceptions, will start on the 5-yard line of the offensive team.

·       Games are 50 minutes.
·       Teams change sides after the first 25 minutes.
·       Half-time is 5 minutes long.
·       The offensive team has 30 seconds to snap the ball once it has been spotted. The offense may snap the ball at any time after the referee has signaled the start of the 30 second snap count regardless of the readiness of the defense.
·       The referees will warn the offensive team when there are 10 seconds and 5 seconds left on the play clock.
·       Each team has one 60-second time out per half.
·       Throughout the first 23 minutes of each half, the clock will run continuously unless a time-out is called.
·       During the last 2 minutes of each half, the clock will stop when there is an incomplete pass, a penalty, a first down, or when a ball-carrier runs out of bounds – except in the last two minutes of the game and one team is winning by 17 or more points
·       Officials can stop the clock at their discretion. Ex. – injury, pet on the field.
·       There is no overtime in the 5-6 year old league
·       If the score is tied (7 and up) at the end of regulation, teams move into overtime.
·       As in regulation, a coin toss at midfield will determine choice for first possession and end of field to play all overtime possessions.
·       Regular season OT is five (5) minutes with running time - First team to score wins. If no score at end of 5 minutes, game ends in a tie
·       Post season OT is untimed – Both teams get a possession; whoever is ahead after both teams have a possession wins the game. If tied after each team has had a possession, then the next team to score wins. There must be a winner
·       All regulation rules apply during overtime. 

·       Coaches are allowed on the field as follows:
o   In the 5-6 division - offense and defense.
o   All other divisions - offense only.
·       At the snap, on-field coaches must be 5 yards behind their nearest player.
·       If any coach intentionally gets involved in a play, after it begins, that coach will automatically be Ejected from the game and the league will determine if there should be additional disciplinary action taken.
·       Coaches are not allowed to yell at players. We are a teaching league. Each referee has the authority to issue a warning, penalty or ejection if players are being yelled at by coaches.
·       Coaches are not permitted to handle kids in a rough manner. This action will be met with automatic ejection and additional review by the league. 
·       Anyone ejected from a game must leave the fields (the fenced area). A team will forfeit the game if someone (player, parent or coach) are ejected and they refuse to leave the field of play. 

·       Players are expected to behave in a civil manner. Flag slamming, flag throwing, taunting or other uncivil acts will result in a verbal warning for the first offense, and an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for each subsequent offense.
·       Taunting, trash talking, cursing or other offensive language or behavior by players, coaches or their fans will result in a verbal warning for the first offense and forfeiture for the second offense.
·       Tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, roughing, pushing or any action deemed by the referee to be potentially dangerous of harmful will result in immediate player ejection. Two such acts committed by one team during a game will result in forfeiture.
·       There is NO BLOCKING. We are a non-contact league. Offensive players must make an effort to get out of the way of a player on their team running with the ball. 
·       Contact is to be limited to that of an incidental nature that is a normal part of flag football. 
·       All players are required to play in the 1st half, 2nd half, on offense, on defense and “touch the ball” at least once each game. Coaches will turn in a scoresheet to the referee after the game indicating that these requirements were met

·       Touchdowns are worth 6 points
·       Extra points can be one or two points. One point from the 5-yard line and 2 points from the 10-yard line. 
·       A Safety is worth 2 points
·       The defense may return an interception.  
·       The defense can return an extra point interception and if they score they get 1 or 2 points depending on the length of the attempt
·       After scoring a TD (and only after scoring a TD), a team may elect to attempt an “onside kick” – they get the ball at their own 5-yard line and have 1 play to get a first down at midfield. If they get the first down, they keep the ball. If they fail to get the first down, the opposing (“receiving”) team starts with the ball on the “kicking” team’s 15 yard line (e.g., only 15 yards to go to score)

·       Substitutions may be made on any dead ball.
·       Play is ruled “dead” when:
o   The ball touches the ground. A fumble is spotted where the ball carriers feet were when the ball was lost.
o   Ball carrier’s flag is pulled.
o   Ball carrier steps out of bounds.
o   Ball carrier’s knee, elbow, hip or backside touches the ground.
o   When a touchdown or extra point is made.

·       All plays count! Penalties will be assessed at the end of the play.
·       Spinning is allowed. 
·       Diving to advance the ball is not allowed. If a player dives the ball will be marked where the player left his feet. Jumping more than a foot high in the air is not allowed. Initiating contact while jumping or spinning is not allowed either. If a player jumps more than a foot in the air or initiates contact when jumping or spinning, the ball is marked down where the player left his feet or initiated contact. If a referee deems the action to be dangerous they can also call unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on the offensive player. This call is a judgement call by the referee and cannot be argued by the coach
·       The ball is spotted where the ball carrier’s feet are when the flag is pulled, not where the ball is.
·       Any player that steps out of bounds during play must return to the field of play immediately or be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct.
·       Any player that comes onto the field from out of bounds after the play has begun will be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct.
·       If a ball carrier’s flag falls while running, the play continues. The defense only has to touch the player with one hand to end the play. 
·       Defensive players that start a play without a flag can intercept a pass but cannot advance it. The ball is spotted where the interception occurs.
·       Any number of offensive players may shift prior to the snap.
·       One player on offense is allowed in motion at the snap. The player in motion must be moving parallel to the line of scrimmage or in a backward direction. All other players on offense must be set prior to the snap.
·       The ball must be snapped between the legs. 5-6 division can go to the side. 
·       Center sneak plays are not allowed. A hand off cannot be made back to the center between the legs. 

·       All players receiving a hand-off or a pitch behind the line of scrimmage are eligible to run the ball.
·       A player who receives a handoff or pitch can make a forward pass from behind the
line of scrimmage.
·       Once the ball has been handed off or pitched, all defensive players are eligible to rush the ball carrier regardless of their position prior to the snap.
·       No pitches or handoffs are allowed once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage.
·       If a player missing a flag takes a handoff, the defense only needs to touch him with one hand to end the play. 

·       All players are eligible to receive passes including the quarterback if the ball has been handed off behind the line of scrimmage.
·       If a player missing a flag catches the ball, the play is ruled dead when the defense touches him with one hand. 
·       A player must have at least one foot inbounds when making a reception.
·       If a defensive player pulls a receiver’s flag prior to a legal reception, the defense will be flagged for Illegal Flag Pull. If the receiver makes the catch, the play will remain live until the receiver’s other flag is pulled. If both flags are pulled illegally and the catch is made, the play remains live until a defender touches the ball carrier with two hands.

·       Once a legal forward pass is completed, no other passes, pitches or handoffs are allowed.
·       Shovel passes are allowed and subject to all the rules pertaining to forward passes.
·       The quarterback has 5 seconds to either handoff or pass the ball before the defense can cross the line of scrimmage and rush. Once the 5 count ends, the QB can run the ball. The referee will count to 5 in a loud voice so the defensive player knows when to rush. 

·       There is no rushing the QB until the ref signals go and drops his hand. There will be a 5 second count by the ref before the defense can rush.  
·       Once the ball is handed off or pitched, the no-rushing rule no longer is in effect, and all defenders are eligible to rush behind the line of scrimmage.

·       Blocking is not allowed. No player may intentionally make contact with a player from the opposing team with the intent of impeding motion. 
·       Running next to the person carrying the ball is considered blocking. The offense must get out of the way once the play is beyond the line of scrimmage.

·       All plays count! Penalties will be assessed at the end of the play.
·       Referees will determine incidental contact that may result from normal play.
·       Players cannot question judgment calls.
·       Clock stops for any penalty inside of two minutes.
·       Penalties may be declined.
·       Games cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless the offense declines it.


·       On a defensive penalty the offensive coach chooses whether to take the play or the yardage for the foul:
·       Offside/Illegal Rush = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
·       Pass Interference = Ball placed at spot of the foul AND automatic first down. Pass interference in the end zone results in a first down at the 1 yard line.
·       Tackling/Holding/Illegal Contact = 5 yards from the spot AND the down is replayed. Pulling on the pants instead of the flag is considered holding. A 2nd tackling penalty by the same player is an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty – 10 yards from the spot and replay the down. A 3rd tackling penalty by the same player is unsportsmanlike plus ejection from the game.
·       Illegal Flag pull = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
·       Roughing the passer = 10 yards from result of play AND automatic first down

·       Offensive penalties DO NOT result in a loss of down except as noted below. On an offensive penalty the defensive coach chooses whether to take the play or the yardage for the foul:
·       Illegal Motion/False Start = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
·       Illegal Forward Pass = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
·       Offensive Pass Interference = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
·       Flag Guarding/Blocking = 5 yards from spot of foul AND loss of down. Note that if the runner achieved a first down prior to penalty it will still be first down after the 5 yards are marked off even if the ball goes moves back behind the first down line.
·       Delay of game = 5 yards from line of scrimmage
·       Intentional Grounding Penalty: If the QB is being rushed and just tosses the ball away that is a penalty. It WILL be a loss of down and the ball will be spotted right where the QB is (not where the ball landed). If it happens during the final two minutes of either half, we will take 30 seconds off the clock. If a receiver is within 5 yards, it will not be a penalty. It has to be a clear and obvious intentional ground to the ref. 

·       Unsportsmanlike conduct/Personal Foul = 10 yards from end of play automatic first down on defense, down is not replayed if penalty is against offense.
·       Too many players on field = 5 yards from line of scrimmage